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The Aga Khan Education Services is one of the largest private, not-for-profit, non-denominational educational networks in the developing world. Our goal is to provide quality education that prepares students to thrive personally and professionally. Our programmes embody AKES’ commitment to service, not just in the school, but to the neighbouring community and beyond.
The Desh Apnayen Sahayog Foundation website has been translated for your convenience using translation software powered by Google Translate. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation. However, no automated translation is perfect or intended to replace human translators. Translations are provided as a service to the Desh Apnayen Sahayog Foundation website users and are provided "as is." No warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, is made as to the accuracy, reliability, or correctness of any translations made from the English Language into any other language. Some content (such as images, videos, Flash, etc.) may need to be accurately translated due to the limitations of the translation software.