Name of the student (Optional) - ……………………………………………………………
Grade and Section - ………………………………………………………………………………….
Ranking as per experience
1. Our school is a place where all
boys and girls are equally treated
by teachers
2. Our school gives equal
opportunities to students from all
religions to participate in school
functions and sports
3. We, students have the right to
express our views to school
management and teachers against
any unfair decision
4. Our school celebrates all festivals
irrespective of any particular
5. Members of my school have the
right to form associations within
the school to advocate their rights
or the rights of others.
6. Our school is open for students
from all socio-economic
backgrounds. The admissions are
on a first come first serve basis
7. Our school holds regular PTA
meetings and discusses all
decisions with PTA members
before implementing them.
8. All students equally receive books,
study material and encouragement
from teachers
9. In matters related to discipline, all
people are assured of fair,
impartial treatment in the
determination of guilt and
assignment of punishment.