Activity – Extempore Speech, In classroom activity
Topic – What Freedom means to me?
Activity – Extempore Speech, In classroom activity ............................................................................. 1
Topic – What Freedom means to me? ................................................................................................... 1
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 1
Activity – Extempore Speech ............................................................................................................. 1
Expected Outcomes – ......................................................................................................................... 1
Note to the Facilitator - ...................................................................................................................... 2
Rubrics for Judgement ....................................................................................................................... 2
Reflection Sheet ................................................................................................................................. 3
On August 15, 2019, we celebrated 73 years of independence. We have achieved a lot in these 73
years, and many others that we had thought we would have but miserably failed to achieve. This
generation wants jobs, wants the freedom to dream and pursue those dreams, they want to achieve
absolute freedom of speech and they want to use it without any fears. We have grown as a civilisation
and we have evolved as citizens. We are more aware of our rights now than we were 73 years ago.
Our freedom fighters sought freedom from the rule of the British empire. 73 years down the line,
freedom covers a lot more aspects of life than it did.
Activity – Extempore Speech
Let our ACTIZENs express what freedom means to them now?
Rule 1 – Think aloud what freedom means to you? It could be freedom of choice of career, freedom
of expression in social gatherings, freedom to select life partner, freedom to wear clothes of your own
choice, freedom to attend protests, freedom to use social media without any
interference/restrictions, etc.
Rule 2 – Think about the same situation when it comes to collective freedoms in society. When you
live with your friends, parents, grandparents, elders, neighbours, social groups, what freedoms do you
Rule 3 – Conclude with the comparison, how Individual freedom is different from collective freedom?
Expected Outcomes –
a. Students will be encouraged not only to think on their own about the importance of freedom
in their lives.
b. Students will be able to think on the spot and test their spontaneity in thoughts.
c. Students will be able to speak well in their personal lives, future workplaces, and, social
Note to the Facilitator -
1. Ask for voluntary participation from the ACTIZEN Club members for Extempore speech. Other
students can act as audience.
2. Call 2 teachers to be a part of the Jury
3. Give 5-10 minutes to the participants to think and note down points if they want to before
4. Conduct the extempore speech by following the rules given below:
a. Time limit 2-5 minutes
b. Start with an introduction, elaborate it, and sum up it with your ending statement.
5. The audience needs to note down the essential points from each extempore speech
6. 1 or 2 students can sum up at last.
7. Give Rubrics sheet to the evaluators in advance.
8. Request judges to announce the winners and award special remarks to the activity conducted.
Rubrics for Judgement
Excellent (5
Very Good (4
Fair (3 points)
Average (2
Relevance with
the topic/theme
Level of
Eye contact with
the audience
Vocal Delivery of