World Environment Day 2020
Type of Activity – Individual Level Activity
5th June is celebrated as the World Environment Day every year to spread awareness and encourage people to take action to protect the environment. The theme for World Environment Day 2020 is ‘Biodiversity’.
Biodiversity is the variety of all living things; the different plants, animals and micro-organisms, the genetic information they contain and the ecosystems they form.
We humans also make up a large part of biodiversity. We humans are also citizens, and when it comes to belonging to the Desh Apnayen family, we are ACTIZENs – Alert, Informed and Active Citizens. What could we as ACTIZENs do to protect and preserve the biodiversity?
We can be alert citizens by being aware of the biodiversity around us. We can be informed citizens by knowing what we could, as citizens, do, and active citizens by doing our bit to preserve the biodiversity.
We can:
- help the bees pollinate by keeping their honeycombs safe,
- take a walk and use less and less of fuel,
- buy local foods and eat local, we can grow local produce,
- preserve our natural habitats,
- spread awareness and educate the others,
- reduce, reuse, recycle and upcycle,
- care for the ecosystem around us by making compost out of kitchen scraps,
- make bird feeders with old cardboard boxes,
- leave water in tiny cups for the birds to drink,
- and a lot more…….
Expected Outcomes
The students will be able to:
- Recognise and appreciate the biodiversity in their ecosystem
- Know about the interdependence that connects every ecosystem
- Realise their role in protecting and preserving the biodiversity
Materials needed:
- A creative mind
- Willingness to collaborate and collate information
- Choose any one way to preserve and protect the biodiversity and write a SLOGAN for the same.
- You can choose from the ‘we can’ list or come up with your own.
- As ‘Digital Citizens’* collaborate with your school mates online and come up with a list of slogans. For example,
- Keep our world colourful, preserve biodiversity.
- All for one or one for all, keep biodiversity or our future may fall.
- Back to nature – Turn your kitchen scraps into compost
- I walk – I protect the future
- Climate change is real – Let’s acknowledge it
4. You can also put your slogan on a poster with a special drawing
5. Share it with us on by 10th June.
Ten schools with the best, and the maximum number of slogans will be featured on our social media pages.
The rest would gain points for Desh Apnayen Annual Awards 2020.
*Digital Citizen: A digital citizen is a person using information technology in order to engage in society, politics, and government.