KLE July Activity – Mock Election
- Students will be able to comprehend end-to-end election process to make students understand the procedure involved through action, activity, and participation.
- To elect the ACTiZENS’ Club’s office-bearers democratically.
- To mock an end-to-end election process to make students understand the procedure involved through action, activity, and participation.
- To make students understand the importance of voting in a democratic country like India.
Plain sheets, shoebox, chart paper/coloured paper to cover the box (optional), glue, scissors, ruler, pencils, erasers, and sketch pen.
S.no | Activity process | Time taken |
Session 1. | Pre-Activity Planning
Teacher to follow guided steps 1, 2 and 3 Note: The teacher can divide students into groups and allot tasks/activities like making ballot boxes, making voters’ lists, etc. to each group with each task/activity to be completed within a given time. |
45 min |
Session 2. | Classroom Main Activity
Teacher to refer to steps 4, 5, 6 and 7 |
45 min |
Session 1
Time required - 45 Minutes.
Step 1- Watching Video
Step 2- Probing Questions
Step 3- Explain the Activity
Now, let us begin!
Step 1- A short video on elections can be shown by the teacher. The video link is given below:
System of Elections in India | Social Studies Tutorial
Step 2- In the next step, please ask some probing questions based on the video played. Some of these questions could be:
- Who is eligible to contest elections in India?
- Who is eligible to vote in general elections in India?
- What is the difference between direct and indirect elections?
Step 3- Explain the activity given below to the class:
- Orient the students about the Posts and Roles and responsibilities of Office Bearers. Refer to Annexture 1 and 2 for details.
- Ask students to nominate the names of candidates for the positions of various office bearers (such as the President and Vice-President of ACTiZENS’ Club). The candidates are also allowed to nominate themselves.
- Ask the candidates to present their short candidature in front of the class.
- Voter Registration- Make a voters’ list in advance and announce the election date.
- Prepare a ballot box and ballot paper mentioning the names of the candidates.
- Ask students to think about the person they would like to vote for, and why, and come prepared for the voting day.
A. Sample Ballot Paper
Assign responsibility to 2-3 students/a group to make ballot papers for each office bearer nomination as per the class size by either taking printouts or making them manually using paper and pen.
A sample is given below:
B. Sample Voter Registration Card
Ask each student to prepare/print a ‘Voter Registration Card’ using a small piece of paper. To register to vote, each child should fill out a mock voter registration card on which they write their name, classroom, grade, and any other information you would like them to add. This process lets the students know that adults have to register officially long before they can vote on Election Day.
A sample is given below:
C. Voter’s List
The teacher will collect all the Voter Registration Cards and make a voters’ list. Make sure to leave space after each student's name for their signature before they are given a ballot. Let the students know that this process ensures that people can vote only once in a single election cycle.
A sample is given below:
D. Ballot Box
A group of students can make the ballot box using a shoe box or cardboard box with a small slit on the top. If they like, they can cover it with coloured paper and label it as "BALLOT BOX - ACTiZENS’ CLUB.”
Homework: Candidates can campaign about their candidature to other students. Teacher can mention a specific date like till one before election day campaigning is allowed.
Classroom Activity
Session 2
Time required - 45 Minutes.
Step 4- Set up a Ballot box.
Step 5- Start the voting process with a secret ballot.
Step 6- Count and tally the votes, and
Step 7- Announce the election results.
Let us begin the Activity!
Step 4- Set up a Ballot box.
Set up a ballot box in one corner of the classroom and distribute ballot papers to all the club members (students).
Step 5- Secret Ballot
Have the students vote by secret ballot, one student at a time. Each student needs to find her name on the voters' list and sign next to it. That student then gets a ballot to cast a vote.
Have a private area in which the students can secretly read and fill out the ballot. A few desks in a corner will do. For an effect, you could also make a voter's booth in which a student can fill out the ballot more privately —a cardboard box used for packaging a refrigerator could work as a booth. Remind students that it is a secret ballot and that they are allowed to vote for whichever candidate they like — no one should pressure anyone to vote (or not vote) in any particular way! When the students are done filling out their forms, they can put their ballot in the Ballot box.
A sample of the result sheet is given below:
Step 6- Count the Votes and Tally them.
As you count each ballot, tally the votes on the board (for students in higher grades, you can also calculate percentages of votes). When you are done counting, make sure the number of ballots is equal to the number of students. The candidate with the greatest number of votes shall be declared the winner. If there is a tie, you can have another round of voting, or the teacher can cast his/her vote.
Step 7- Put the Election Results into Effect
To demonstrate to the students the importance and impact of voting, make sure the election results go into effect when you said they would. Announce the winners and office bearers of The ACTiZENS’ Club and launch the Club officially by handing over the badges to the newly elected members and office bearers in a ceremony.
Ask students to fill up the reflection sheet.
Annexure 1 – Criteria to participate for Office Bearers Election
Eligibility Criteria –
- Willingness to be ACTiZEN Club Advocates.
- Club representative to ensure smooth functioning of Club.
- Presents a 2–3-minute speech as part of Campaigning Process. The Speech can cover:
- Introduction in brief
- Share why you want to become an Office Bearer.
- Share one or two reasons why other students should vote for you.
- Share clearly how you will contribute to this role limited to ACTiZEN's club if you are elected as Office Bearer.
As a part of Campaigning, post session 1 of the activity, the candidates can also do the following: (This is an optional exercise, but teacher can share this idea with candidates)
- Make a Campaign poster for themselves – it can highlight why should everyone vote for you (You can display it on class notice board with teacher’s approval)
- writing a campaign slogan
- Interacting with others i.e., to advertise for yourself to attract more votes.
Annexure 2 – Roles and Responsibilities of Office Bearers
Roles & responsibilities of the candidates to be clearly oriented at the beginning.
1.President –
- Representation of Club
- Support to Teachers in conducting activities.
- Ensuring timely submissions of activity reports. Helping to collect & compile reflection sheets to upload.
- Putting up charts/Artwork/ student sharing on Class Notice Board & Desh Apnayen Wall. To be done on monthly basis.
- Encourage students to share their activity experiences during School Assembly or a function. SPOC teacher will help identify the time and facilitate this presentation. To be done atleast once in a quarter/school year to be decided by SPOC teacher as per the number of classes in schools.
- Submit Monthly Activity report each month as per the format.
2.Vice – President –
- Representation of the Club in the absence of the President
- Support the President in ensuring timely submissions of the reports.
- Support the President in presentation of charts/Artwork/ student sharing on Class Notice Board & Desh Apnayen Wall.
- Coordination between Club members and respective teachers.
- Submit Monthly Activity report each month as per the format.