KLE September Activity-Integrity portrait
To learn about meaning and importance of being a person with integrity in context of honesty & responsibility citizen.Â
Communication, Critical thinkingÂ
Honesty, ResponsibilityÂ
Notebook and penÂ
- ​No pre-activity preparation is required​Â
Estimated Time: 30 minutes.
1. Narrate this short incident to students:
Monu couldn’t prepare for exams and decided to create chits to copy in the exam. On the exam day, one of his classmate Rani who had found his brand-new eraser, comes to him, and returns it. He is very surprised and asks her, why are you giving it back. Rani explains that her mother has taught her that we should not take others stuff without informing them as it’s dishonest behaviour. This makes Monu rethink his plan to cheat. started thinking about what he was about to do. He decides to be honest and promises to prepare for exams in the future.
2. Ask the student following questions:Â
- What stopped Monu from doing wrong/ being tempted?Â
- What value or belief did Monu practice?Â
Take 1 -2 responses and elicit the value of Honesty /Doing Right/ Truthfulness/ not taking others stuff, obeying teacher, listening to instructions, helping each other, following class rules, being prepared for exams, etc., through these questions.
3. Tell students, we will for various situations in this manner, think what honest & responsible behaviour should be to solve the situation.
4. Divide the class into groups of 6-8 students as per the class size. Each group will be given one issue card as given in Annexure 1.Â
Note: Teacher can also use same example for all groups. Objective is to understand about Integrity means being honest and responsible.
5. Ask students to discuss the problem and present responses covering following questions:
- What should you do in this situation? (Choice)
- What would you do in this situation that shows honesty? (Truthful)
- What should you do as your responsibility? (Responsibility)
- Why should you do anything to solve the issue? (Why take action?)
- How would you solve the issue? (Solution)
6. After reading the problem, they will think above questions and present the responses as characteristics of a person like a Portrait shown below. Teacher can show this example.
Example: Integrity Portrait
7. Tell them they have 15 minutes to make this presentation.
Office Bearer will display these group work on Desh Apnayen wall after the session.
NOTE - If time permits, teacher can give Office Bearer opportunity to do conclude this activity as mentioned below. Incase if time is short, invite the office bearer to ask the students – What did they learn from the activity? Â
Office Bearer (with support of teacher) will conduct the conclusion of the activity. Invite 1-2 groups to present their presentation (as per the time available). Ask the students following questions -Â Â
- What are some characteristics of a person with Integrity?Â
- Why is it important to be an honest and responsible citizen?Â
Based on discussion teacher will summarize the key takeaways.Â
- Integrity is the quality of being honest, truthful, and responsible. It means doing what is right even when no one is watching and staying true to your beliefs and values. Â
- Being honest and responsible citizen is important because it helps people around you trust you, makes sure you will do the right thing, whether at home, school, or in the community.Â
For this activity, the following can be updated by office bearers on the wall.Â
- Group presentations – Integrity Portrait.Â
- Quotes on Integrity.Â
Option to use multiple situations or single situation as per your choice. Objective is to focus on being a person with integrity.Â
For activity photos to be shared to engagement officers, please share clear pictures of Â
- Group activity of integrity portrait (2 photos)Â
- Office bearers leading the conclusion session. (2 photos)Â
- Desh Apnayen Wall photos (2 photos)Â
​​Annexure 1 – ​Â
Teacher can choose any four, extra cards are given in case if class size is larger, and more groups are to be made. If teacher wants entire class to work only on one/two issue, they can also choose that option. Â