July Week 2 Activity

Digital Country’s Preamble and Constitution

Type of activity – In Classroom activity


Digital Citizenship has never been in focus as much as it is in the present. With the pandemic, the number of Digital Citizens is growing day by day. Do you think that this would give rise to Digital Countries springing up everywhere?

Have you wondered what is Digital Citizenship?

Last week we had shared a very interesting activity on building a Digital Country and our ACTIZENs designed beautiful flags by putting in a lot of thought and formed Digital Countries with their friends.

This week, we encourage our ACTIZENs to take a step ahead in this direction and write a Constitution (Rule book/framework) and Preamble (Principles they believe in) for their Digital Country.

What is Constitution?

A constitution is primarily a set of rules and principles specifying how a country should be governed, how power is distributed and controlled, and what rights citizens possess. The Constitution of India is the supreme law of India. The document lays down the framework demarcating fundamental political code, structure, procedures, powers, and duties of government institutions and sets out fundamental rights, directive principles, and the duties of citizens. It is the longest written constitution of any country on earth.

What is Preamble?

The preamble to the Constitution is a brief introductory statement that sets out guidelines, which guide the people of the nation, and to present the principles of the Constitution.

Expected Outcomes

Students will be able to:

  • Develop skills like communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking
  • Learn to develop their own constitution and think about their Rights and Duties in their country.
  • Recognise the essentials and the guiding principles to build a good country

Steps for the activity

  1. Discuss the activity with the fellow Digital Citizens (friends) of your Digital Country.
  2. List down the basic fields you need to fill in in your Digital Country’s constitution and principles to be included in your Preamble
  3. Discuss why or why not you would like to include the same in your Digital Country.
  4. Once your draft is final, fill in the table below and share with us on – contributions@deshapnayen.org by 30th July 2020.

Name of Digital Country  


Name of your Constitution  


Emblem of your Country (Draw and explain)


Governance Structure  


Fundamental Duties of Citizens

Explore these areas:

1. Digital Communication

2. Digital Commerce

3. Digital Literacy

4. Digital Law

5. Digital Etiquette

6. Digital Rights and Responsibilities

7. Digital Health and Wellness

8. Digital Security (Self-Protection)

9. Digital Access


For example: We as the Digital Citizens of ______ country will be respectful when we communicate with people of all ages






Fundamental Rights of Citizens

Explore these areas:

1. Digital Communication

2. Digital Commerce

3. Digital Literacy

4. Digital Law

5. Digital Etiquette

6. Digital Rights and Responsibilities

7. Digital Health and Wellness

8. Digital Security (Self-Protection)

9. Digital Access


For example: We the Digital Citizens of ________ country want to be safe when sharing data

July - activity 3The Constitution of _________________________________

WE, THE DIGTIAL PEOPLE OF ____________, having solemnly resolved to constitute  our country into ___________________________

And to secure to all its digital citizens:






(Guiding principles of your country)

In our Constituent Assembly this……… (Date) do hereby adopt, enact, and give to ourselves this Constitution.

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