KLE October Activity – Save your city

The Original Game

This game/activity is an adaptation of the popular game ‘Bombing the Cities’. Here, four corners are marked and named after four different cities. Chits for those four cities are also made. The participants run around as music plays. When the music stops, each participant chooses any one corner. Now every corner has a group of participants. One chit from the four chits is picked up. The city/corner that matches with the name on the chit is the city that gets bombed. The participants who have chosen that corner are out of the game. The game continues with remaining participants, till the time there is just one participant who is safe and is the winner.

The Adapted Game

At Desh Apnayen, we strive towards transforming students into Alert, Informed and Active Citizens, by encouraging them to take charge of the civic issues and solve these issues using their problem-solving skills. Hence, we have enhanced this game to ‘Save your city’.

  1. Students will be able to identify solution to numerous issues in the city to save the city.
  2. Students will be able to comprehend the importance of government functions & citizen duty to resolve the issues of city.

  1. Students will describe solutions to various problems in city to save their city

Skills – Critical Thinking, Problem-solving

Values- Responsibility

S. No. Activity Process Time-taken
1 Step 1: Activity Set Up

Step 2: Playing the Game

Step 3: Debrief of Activity

45 min

Notebooks, pens, Issue cards

Session 1: For a 45 min session Step 1-3

Step 1 – Activity Set Up

Time: (5-7 Min)

1. Teacher will divide the class into 4-6 groups depending on the class size. Each group will be given 1 minute to select the name of their city.

2. Teacher will write the name of the groups on the chalkboard to maintain scoring sheet.

3. Teacher will tell the students that she will read one issue/problem for city. They have to find 2 solutions to the given problem in group. The students of the team can raise their hands to give answers.

4. If they can find the solution, they will get points to save their city, if they are not able to solve the problem, then they will be unable to save their city from that problem.

Step 2 – Playing the Game

Estimated Time (30 Mins)

1. Prior to class, teacher can prepare chits of the Issue cards as given in Annexure 1.

2. Pick one issue and read it out loud.

3. The groups get 5 minutes to provide 2 solutions to the given problem. The students of the team will need to quickly write these solutions.

4. Teacher can ask each group to show their answers and invite responses from each group. Students can raise their hands to give answers. (Answers to be brief)

5. Inform the students that when they give great solutions, their city gets saved from the calamity, so they must ensure that they find the best possible solutions.

6. If the team is successful in solving the problem in 5 minutes, and it is to the teacher’s satisfaction, they attain 5 points. Else, the teacher can allot 1-4 points, depending on the answers.

7. Continue onto the next chit, playing this problem-solving game.

8. Play atleast 5-6 rounds or till time permits leaving few minutes for Debrief.

9. Teacher can play one dummy round before starting the game to help understand the game clearly.

Dummy Round:

Teacher reads out an issue.

Students in group solve the problem.

Teacher asks each group to show their solution on paper by lifting the paper. Teacher will ask groups to share the solutions in brief. Solutions that are found satisfactory by the teacher, will be awarded points.

Step 3 – Debrief of Activity (10 mins)

Ask students the following questions to debrief the activity:

1. What have you learnt from the activity? (Take 1-2 responses.)

2. Why is it important government function & citizen duty to resolve the issues of city?

Reflection Sheets, Activity Report & Feedback Form  

Teachers kindly fill in the feedback form, remind office bearers to fill activity report and remind students also to fill up the reflection sheets. 

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Annexure 1 – Issue Cards

Teacher can choose any cards in random order; extra cards are given to play the game if additional time is available.

Annexure -1

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