August Activity – Power of vote

To identify the power of the vote in a democracy. 

Communication, creativity 

Accountability, Civic duty 

Notebooks and pens 

  1. Teacher will select students and assign role as per the script given in Annexure 1
  2. Ask President and Vice President to distribute the dialogues to students and tell them to go through their dialogues before the main activity day. They also need to practice 1-2 times before activity day. Please ask the characters to prepare their role tags on 10cmX10cm available paper.
  3. Inform the President and Vice President the pre activity preparation is to be completed in 2 days, before the main activity.

Estimated Time: 30 minutes. 

1. Today we are going to learn about the importance of voting in democracy with the help of roleplay. 

2. Teacher will invite selected students and office bearers to present their roleplay one by one. 

3. Ask the following questions after all groups have presented their roleplay. 

  • How do you all feel? Did you enjoy it?  
  • What did you learn about importance of voting in democracy through this role play? 
  • What will happen if don’t we vote? 

NOTE - If time permits, teacher can give Office Bearer opportunity to do conclude the activity as mentioned below. Incase if time is short, invite the office bearer to ask the students – What did they learn from the activity?  

Office Bearers will ask students the following questions to conclude the activity, they can either ask opened ended question or give multiple choice. 

1. What is the importance of each vote in democracy?  

A) Helps gain popularity.

B) Helps to avoid responsibility.

C) Gives power to share choice of individual.

(Ans – C  – Each vote is significant as it shows one’s choice and contributes to collective decision.) 

 2. Riya is a first-time voter, and she wants to make an informed decision about whom to vote – what should she do?  

A) Ask others whom to vote.

B) Read party manifestos.

C) Make a random choice.

(Ans – B – Reading Manifestos of parties helps to know what actions the parties will take if elected, and aligning to one’s choices and values we can make an informed decision.) 

3. How can citizens help to increase voter participation?  

A) Spreading awareness about power to vote.

B) Telling others to plan a picnic on voting day.

C) By ignoring the voting process completely.

(Ans – A – we can spread awareness to people we know about the importance and significance of each vote, how it counts to help increase voter turn-out.) 

Teacher will summarize the key learning points for the activity –  

  • Voting plays a very important role in democracy; we have the power in our hands to shape our country’s future. 
  • Manifestos help us to make informed decisions about whom to vote. 
  • With help of roleplay, awareness messages, posters, etc. we can spread awareness to others about importance and power of voting in neighborhood. 

For this activity, the following can be updated by office bearers on the wall.

  • Role play scripts.
  • Key learning takeaways of the activity/Experience of Role play. (Office Bearer can ask 2-3 students to write)
  • Students can create slogans/quotes to encourage people to vote.

  • Avoid lot of preparation for role play like 10-12 practice sessions. 
  • Avoid taking students out on social places to present the Nukkad Natak. They can present at a school function on 15th August, or any relevant occasion being celebrated in future.
  • Script can be localized into local language for ease of execution for students but keep the essence of message similar.

For activity photos to be shared to engagement officers, please share clear pictures of 

  • Role Play photos. (2 photos)
  • Office bearers leading the concluding session. (2 photos)
  • Desh Apnayen Wall photos. (2 photos)

WhatApp Chat Bot

1) Which Grade activity feedback you want to give in this call?

Press 1 – for Grade 6

Press 2 – for Grade 7

Press 3 – for Grade 8

Press 4 – for Grade 9

2) How was the overall July activity experience in the class?

Press 1 – for Good

Press 2 – for Average

Press 3 – for Needs Improvement

3) How many students of your class participated in the activity?

Press 1 for 1-10

Press 2 for 11-20

Press 3 for 21-30

Press 4 for 31-40

Press 5 for 41-50

Press 6 for more than 50

4) Have you submitted this activity’s pictures/videos to the respective engagement officer?

Press 1 - for Yes

Press 2 – for No

5) Do you want to give feedback for any other grade?

Press 1 - Yes, repeat the process from Question 1-5

Press 2 – No.

Your feedback is valuable. Thank you for your time, your submission is recorded successfully.

Annexure 1 –

Group 1: Role Play Script 

Narrator – Invites the first group to present. There are five main characters in the role play – Politician, Ravi, Priya, Ananya, and Deepak.

There are six characters in the natak: 

  1. Ravi 
  2. Priya 
  3. Ananya 
  4. Deepak
  5. Politician
  6. Crowd Members  - 6-8 students.
  7. Narrator – Office bearer

Note: Everyone will stand in Circle/rectangle (as possible in class), and when the characters perform, they will sit at their place in circle so that characters can be seen.

Opening Line (2 times):  Aao aao, natak dekho. Aao aao, natak dekho. (Everyone moves in the circle, says loudly and claps)

(Everyone will sit, and Politician will come inside the circle and says the line – student can wear the politician role tag)

Politician: (Energetic) Saathyion. Thank you for coming today. It has been a good term of 5 years with you all. I promise that this time if you vote for me, we will build a new school with high class facilities in your area. We will build a new hospital with world class facilities in your area.

Two members from the crowd: But Netaji, where is that road you promised last time? And what about the proper water supply?

Everyone says together: Bolo Netaji, Bolo Netaji!

(Ananya will come inside – student can wear the role tag)

Politician – Don't worry the work is in progress and we will finish just after the election, trust me.

Crowd/party members with Neta ji – Jai ho Neta Ji ki Jai ho !! 

Politician left with his party members.

Ananya: (Passionately to the crowd) But friends, this is the beauty of our democracy, if Netaji is not fulfilling his promises from last 5 years, how we can trust him for next five years. We have power of vote and we can choose another suitable representative for us. 

Let us make sure we use the power to choose the right one this time. 

(Everyone goes back to the circle)

Everyone sings together 2 times: Suno Suno! Suno Suno! WE HAVE THE POWER OF CHOOSING REPRESENTATIVES 

(Everyone moves/sits in the circle, says this loudly and claps softly)

(Ravi, Priya, and Deepak will come inside – student can wear the name tag)

Ravi: (Disappointed) Priya, can you believe it? This man is standing here again. Asking for our votes. He has not done anything for our community. Why should we vote anyway? No one does anything for us. 

Priya: I understand that this politician has not done anything, so we change him. How do we do that? 

Deepak: By voting my friend. Vote is our biggest power. Just now Ananya made us aware of this magical power. Let us use it this time.

(Everyone goes back to the circle)

Everyone says together 2 times: VOTE IS OUR BIGGEST POWER!

Everyone takes the pledge together – “Aao hum sab Desh Apnayen, chalta hai ko door bhagaya, bhavishya bachayen, Bhagya banayen. Hum badlenge, desh badlega”

Narrator – Invites the second group to present. There are five main characters in the role play – Seema, Ali, Rita, James, Divya and Rajiv.

Group 2: Role Play Script 

There are six characters in the natak: 

  1. Seema 
  2. Ali
  3. Rita
  4. James
  5. Divya
  6. Rajiv
  7. Crowd Members – 6-8 students.

Note: Everyone will stand in Circle/rectangle (as possible in class), and when the characters perform, they will sit at their place in circle so that characters can be seen.

Opening Line (2 times):  Aao aao, natak dekho. Aao aao, natak dekho. (Everyone moves in the circle, says loudly and claps)

(Seema and Rita will come inside – student can wear the role tag)

Seema: Oh, look Rita, the politician is again making false  promises to us. Where is the school or the road, he promised us last time? Where is it?

Everyone says together: Where is it? Where is it? (OR to add drama element, group can say – batao batao kahan hai? Kidhar hai? - optional)

Rita: Seema, you say that he did not fulfil his promises. But how do you know this? How did you say that so confidently? 

Seema: I saw his manifesto last year and I have a copy of it at home.

Everyone says together: Manifesto? What is that? (OR to add drama element, group can say – Ye Manifesto, manifesto kya hai, ye manifesto manifesto? - optional)

(Ali will come inside – student can wear the role tag)

Ali: (Looking towards the crowd and circling and telling everyone): Manifesto is a document which every party shares with the people when asking for votes. It has a list of things/promises that they will do for the people. We should make sure we read the manifestos of all the candidates/parties before voting to understand their plan for our area/community and benefits they will ensure for local community. 

(Everyone goes back to the circle)

Everyone sings together 2 times: Suno Suno! Suno Suno! MAKE SURE TO READ THE MANIFESTO 

(Divya will come inside)

Divya: WOW! I read the Manifesto this time and understood the importance of it to know more about the candidate or party work in future. It will give me a chance to make better decisions when we vote for eligible candidate this time. 

(James and Rajiv will come inside)

James: Yes, infact I always thought it is a waste of time to vote but now after reading the manifesto, I am looking forward to vote.

Rajiv: (Passionately to the crowd): Well James! Voting makes the government. Voting is the biggest way through which you can contribute to your society. Each vote counts.

James: Then this time we should make sure that maximum of us vote.

(Everyone goes back to the circle)

Everyone sings together 2 times: Suno Suno! Suno Suno! EACH VOTE COUNTS (Everyone moves/site in the circle, says this loudly and claps softly)

Everyone takes the pledge together – “Hum bharat ke log, apne desh ki tarraki ke liye apne matdaan ke adhikar ka humesha paalan karenge. Hum badlenge, desh badlega”

Note for Teacher: Points to consider for Role Play:

  • Teams can sing / dance by themselves to create the necessary music or sound.
  • Signature Clap to be decided by group (like single clap or double clap), to follow when collective messaging is given.
  • Everyone has to be loud but do not shout when giving collective messaging.
  • Every person who enacts needs to be loud, so that others can hear the dialogues.
  • Practice at least 2 times before the final presentation.

Reference Links:

Power of voting: 

Role play references:

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