KLE September Activity-Rule Breakers or Law Keepers

  1. To become alert to situation of where laws are followed or broken around them. 
  2. To comprehend the meaning of Justice.  

Critical thinking, Problem-solving 

Fairness, Empathy  

No pre-activity preparation to be done. 

Estimated Time: 30 minutes. 

1. Today we are going to look at a picture given in Annexure 1 and try to identify from it which are situations that are against the law or as per the law. (Note – if showing pictures is not possible, you can describe the picture) 

Scene – A four-way busy road scene, a traffic policeman has stopped a car driver who has parked in no parking zone. On the other end of the road, a man is trying to snatch a purse from a lady, we also see busy traffic where two cars have met with an accident. On the side of a road, we see there are few children who should be in school but are lifting bricks to a nearby construction site. There are traffic policeman trying to manage the road, people trying to cross the road when signal is red, etc. 

2. Divide the class intow groups of 6 to 8 students as per the class size. 

3. Task is to read and understand the scenario and write answers on a notebook page to the following questions in group: (Ask office bearers to write these questions on board) 

  • Identify 2-3 situations in the picture that shows law is followed/broken? 
  • Think of any such similar situations that any of the group members is aware of, read about in newspaper or seen in movie, etc.  
  • What actions are to be taken to report such incidents? What is the importance for everyone to follow laws?  
  • Write in one sentence what justice means to your group in terms of following the laws of society. 

4. Each group will get 15-20 minutes to do the group work. 

Note: Office Bearers will display the group presentations on Desh Apnayen Wall, and everyone can see other groups card in break/recess time. 

NOTE - If time permits, teacher can give Office Bearer opportunity to do conclude this activity as mentioned below. Incase if time is short, invite the office bearer to ask the students – What did they learn from the activity? 

Office Bearer will conclude the session by Invite each group to present their answers. Each group will have 2-3 mins to present. 

Teacher will summarize the key learning of the activity. 

Key Learnings:  

  1. The laws made by the government aim to protect us from exploitation or unfair treatment.  
  2. Even with these laws of justice there are still many injustices happening around us. Therefore, we need to be aware of what is happening around us, be informed about what laws we have and to follow fair practices and be just in actions. We should act like informing elders, authorities, etc. when we observe unfair/unjust situations around us. 
  3. By following the laws and ensuring to report when laws are broken, we contribute to maintaining order and justice in society. 

For this activity, the following can be updated by office bearers on the wall. 

  • Group Presentation  
  • Drawing/Quotes that any students want to make on available paper. 

  • Make sure that notebooks and pens are only used to make Justice cards. No requirement of using drawing materials. 

For activity photos to be shared to engagement officers, please share clear pictures of  

  • Students doing the group activity. 
  • Office Bearer Recap  
  • Desh Apnayen Wall 

​​Annexure 1 – Picture​ 

Note – In the redesigned picture elements covering law is broken and followed as described in the scene above will be shown. 

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