August Activity – Exploring Democracy

To learn about different ways of decision making like autocratic, democratic, etc. through situations at schools. 

Collaboration, Communication 


Notebooks and pens 

  1. Teacher can select the students to play roles as per the script or can show the video in class as per feasibility at their end.
  2. Ask President and Vice President to write down the script on a page given by the teacher from the Annexure 1Role Play Script   or teacher can show videos links will be given in Annexure 1.
  3. Ask President and Vice President to distribute the dialogues to students to get prepared before the main activity day 

Estimated Time:30 mins

Role play – 20 Mins

1. Teacher will invite selected students to present the roleplay to the students and ask other students to observe the role play carefully and get ready for the discussion after the activity.


Teacher will show the video links as given to the students and ask them to observe it carefully and get ready for the discussion after the activity.

Discussion – 10 Mins

2. The teacher will then ask students the following questions.

  • What did you understand from the role play?
  • How was situation 2 different from situation 1?
  • What elements of situation 2 show democracy?

NOTE - If time permits, teacher can give Office Bearer opportunity to do conclude this activity as mentioned below. Incase if time is short, invite the office bearer to ask the students – What did they learn from the activity?

Office Bearers will divide the class into two groups. One to be represented by each office bearer. (or as per rows if the class size is big) Each bench will write 1 situation that shows democracy and 1 situation that doesn’t show democracy, as per their experiences at home, school or daily life. Give them 5 minutes for this.

Ask randomly any students from each group to share answers. 

(Teacher will support & facilitate for office bearer for correct answers)

Some examples for Teacher’s and Office Bearer reference –

 Democracy - Yes Democracy - NO
Actizen Club elections to elect Office Bearers All Classroom rules are created by one student without asking anyone.
Project work where decisions are made together by group members. Class monitor decides which game to play every day in recess. 

Teacher will summarize the following points –

  • We emphasized two different styles of decision making, in one direct decision was taken, while in other everyone had a chance to take part.
  • In democracy, you get chance to share your view, listening to each other, respecting different viewpoints, but it does not guarantee your view will always be chosen.
  • Also remember, while some decisions are made collectively, but some decisions authorities make for school’s discipline and welfare.

For this activity, the following can be updated by office bearers on the wall.

  • Office Bearer concluding the session – examples can be put up.
  • Role Play scripts.

  • Keep the role play simple, no requirement of dressing up or numerous practice sessions.
  • Objective of role play is to present the situation so learning discussion can be done.
  • In case, of very few students like less than 5-6 students, you can read out the role play as two situations. (To be done only in case of a smaller number of students)

For activity photos to be shared to engagement officers, please share clear pictures of 

  • Students doing the Roleplay – both groups (2 photos)
  • Office Bearer Recap (2 photos)
  • Desh Apnayen Wall (2 photos)

WhatApp Chat Bot

1) Which Grade activity feedback you want to give in this call?

Press 1 – for Grade 6

Press 2 – for Grade 7

Press 3 – for Grade 8

Press 4 – for Grade 9

2) How was the overall July activity experience in the class?

Press 1 – for Good

Press 2 – for Average

Press 3 – for Needs Improvement

3) How many students of your class participated in the activity?

Press 1 for 1-10

Press 2 for 11-20

Press 3 for 21-30

Press 4 for 31-40

Press 5 for 41-50

Press 6 for more than 50

4) Have you submitted this activity’s pictures/videos to the respective engagement officer?

Press 1 - for Yes

Press 2 – for No

5) Do you want to give feedback for any other grade?

Press 1 - Yes, repeat the process from Question 1-5

Press 2 – No.

Your feedback is valuable. Thank you for your time, your submission is recorded successfully.

Annexure 1 – Role Play Script 

Situation 1 – Group A


  • Narrator 
  • Management Person
  • Principal
  • Teacher
  • 3-4 students playing role of teachers (no dialogue)
  • 3-4 students (no dialogue)

(Narrator – In a certain School, A management person and School Principal are talking with each other)

Management Person: Good morning, Principal Sharma, inform everyone about these new rules set by management.

Principal (reading the rules & shocked expression): These rules are decided without consulting parents or teachers including me.

Management: Just share these rules with everyone. Everyone must follow them.

(Narrator - Principal reads out the rules to teachers and tells them to inform students and parents.)

(3-4 teachers nodding their head as they listen to Principal.)

Narrator – Teacher reading the rules to students.

Teacher: School Management has decided on a few rules which are applicable going forward. They are:

1) Students will sit in the same seat for a year as assigned by teacher.

2) Common hair cut for all boys and common hair cut for all girls.

3) Common punishment for any kind of wrongdoing.

4) Whole class to do extra homework even if one student is talking. 

5) For Grade 7, Girls will have sports period and Boy will have Music period 

Students murmur among themselves discussing the rules. 

Situation 2 – Group B


  • Teacher
  • Rita
  • Shyam
  • Rohan
  • Seema
  • Tina
  • 3-4 students (no dialogue)

Teacher: As we start this new academic year, let us all come together and decide 3-4 rules that all of you will follow in class.

Rita raises her hand.

Rita – We will not run here and there in class.

Narrator - Some children disagree and make noises; Shyam raises his hand.

Teacher – Yes Shyam.

Shyam – We can say that – We will not run here and there in class while class is going on.

Narrator - Everyone agrees, and teacher writes the rule on board.

Rohan – We will not litter in the classroom.

Everyone agrees and teacher writes on the board.

Seema – We will not talk when the teacher is teaching. 

Teacher – Instead we can frame it as – We will listen attentively when teacher is teaching. 

Narrator - Everyone agrees, and teacher writes on the board. In this manner, 4-5 rules for classroom are decided.

Teacher – what will happen if any of you are found breaking the rules made.

Tina – We can decide what action is to be taken if any one of us is found not following the rule. 

Narrator - Students chooses Seema, Rohan, Rita, and Shyam to compile these actions on behalf of the class. 

Video Links

Video 1 Grade 7 Activity 2 Video 1.mp4

Video 2 Grade 7 Activity 2 Video 2.mp4

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