September Week 4 Activity
Gender Equality, Learning through Stories
Type of activity – Individual Level Activity
The United Nations website says, “Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world.” Inequality based on whether one is male or female manifests itself in various forms. Where do we stand today with regards to gender equality in our everyday lives? This activity explores that question.
Expected Outcomes
- To encourage students to express themselves on concepts like equality, expectations and gender norms.
- To use the tools of storytelling and lived experiences to enable learning from each other and develop empathy.
- To help students think of the small and big ways in which they can contribute to a more equal and happier world.
Steps for the Activity
Please inform students from Class 6 to 10 about this activity so that they can submit their stories by email or WhatsApp by 30th September.
We are inviting stories of gender-based inequality or discrimination that the students have observed or heard about. These examples can be from their own or their friend's home, workplace or anywhere else.
The incidents/examples may be shared in text form OR as a video.
There is no word limit for the submission sent by text nor any time limit for the video.
Students can give as many examples as they would like to write or speak about.
Since the stories shared by students may be sensitive in nature, we will change their names while posting what they shared on our online platforms. On video, we may cover the students' faces if they share names or identifying information about the people in their story.
We would like to request you to not discuss the students' submissions with fellow teachers or parents.