Goa Higher Secondary October Activity – Exploring Levels of Government (Activity-1)
Students will be able to comprehend the structures of different levels (Central, State and Local) of government.
Students will be able to classify and describe the structures of different levels (Central, State and Local) of government.
Creativity, Critical thinking, Teamwork
Collaboration, honesty, Responsibility
S. No. | Session Details | Estimated Time Required |
1 | Step 1: Introduction & Preparation for Game
Step 2: Playing the Game Step 3: Debrief |
45 Minutes |
Pen, notebook, Dice (optional – teacher can make paper chits with 1, 2,..6 written),
Step 1 - Introduction & Preparation for Game
Estimated Time: 15 mins
- Teacher will tell the students about the structure of different levels of government in groups. Teacher can refer to the Introduction Section for it.
- Teacher will then tell that today we will play a game that will facilitate understanding about structures of government in three levels and how they share responsibilities.
- Teacher will then divide the class into 4-6 groups as per class size.
- Ask them to discuss and revise the three levels of government – central, state, and local in their groups to play an interesting game based on it. Share the Reference Handout given in Annexure 1 for reference.
(Note: Teacher can display the handout if smart board/Projector is available, alternatively teacher can involve office-bearers and few students to note down the points of Annexure 1.)
Teacher can also give the handout to students as pre-preparation 2-3 days before the class.
Step 2 – Playing the Game
Estimated Time: 20 mins
1. Teacher will then tell the rules of the game. They are:
- One representative of the group will roll dice and team will get that many points for correct answer to clue. (If dice is not available, teacher can create dice chits.)
- Teacher will read the clue orally. At each clue, students will have to tell whether it is a true statement or a false statement. They must give only one answer in 30 seconds.
- For giving the right answer the student will get the points rolled out on dice. For wrong answer no points are awarded.
- The team who reaches the number 15 first/highest scorer wins the game.
- The point is not to win the game, but the students will learn about responsibilities of different levels of government.
- Teacher can allot one student/Office Bearer to become the scorer to keep track of the points. A score table can be created on board/notebook.
Note: If teacher finds any team/students making lot of noise, there can be disciplinary action of skipping one turn in game.
2. Teacher will invite representative from each group one by one to play the game as per the rules. Teacher can encourage groups to share different representative in each round.
3. Teacher can play the game either till any group reaches 15 first, or as-time permits ensuring atleast 2 rounds per group are played.
Step 3 - Debrief (10 min)
Estimated Time: 10 mins
Teacher will debrief the session with help of following questions:
- What did you learn from the activity?
- Why is it important for citizens to know which level of government has what responsibilities?
- Why do you think that responsibilities should be divided amongst Centre, State and Local?
Annexure 1 – Handout
Central Government
State Government
Local Government
Annexure 2 – Game Clues
Teacher can read out any clues in random order. (Teacher’s choice)
- State govt. can order their own State Police. (TRUE)
- Central govt. can make national highways. (TRUE)
- Central government can make changes in the citizenship laws. (TRUE)
- Centre manages the local city buses in the state. (FALSE)
- State govt. can open new colleges and schools in the state. (TRUE)
- Centre manages all the local clinics in the state. (FALSE)
- Panchayat can release the funds for the creation of wells in the (TRUE)
- State government can decide the railway fare. (FALSE)
- State government can order the armed forces to attack XYZ Country. (FALSE)
- Central govt. can propose a bill for addition for a word in the Preamble. (TRUE)
- Central government is not responsible for conducting health camps in the state. (FALSE)
- Central government handles matters related to international disputes. (TRUE)
- State government is responsible for conducting wellness camps in the state. (TRUE)
- State government can decide to demonetise Rs100 notes. (FALSE)
- Central government handles matters related to relations with foreign countries. (TRUE)
- Centre can allow 46 refugees/foreigners to seek shelter in India. (TRUE)
- State govt. can order and pass the bill for amendment in the constitution. (FALSE)
- State government decides the minimum support price of rice and wheat in their respective States. (FALSE)
- Central govt. conducts State PCS exams. (FALSE)
- Street lights on the streets are fixed by the Municipal corporation. (TRUE)
- State government decides if all schools in the state should remain closed due to heat waves. (TRUE)
- State oversees government colleges in the state. (TRUE)