Goa Higher Secondary August Activity-Growing Up in Democracy

  1. To recognize the mandatory documents as Indian citizens they or their family members must have. 
  2. To comprehend the importance, process of applying, and the eligibility criteria of these different documents at different ages. 

Communication, Collaboration 


Paper/Notebook and Pens 

  1. Ask President and Vice President to write down the script on a page given by the teacher from the Annexure 1 – Role Play Script
  2. Teacher can select the students to play roles as per the script.
  3. Ask President and Vice President to distribute the dialogues to students to get prepared before the main activity day 
  4. Office bearers can prepare chits for concluding the activity or prepare the questions to ask.

Estimated Time:30 mins 

Role play – 20 Mins 

1. Today we are going to know about some of the mandatory documents required as Indian citizens with help of roleplay.

2. Teacher will ask selected students to present their roleplay one by one.

3. Ask the following questions after all groups have presented their roleplay. 

Discussion – 10 Mins 

4. The teacher will then ask students the following questions. 

  1. What did you learn through this Role play about important documents? 
  2. What were different ways to apply for documents that above characters used?  
  3. Why is it important for Indian citizens to have these documents? 
  4. Which other documents are essential for Indian citizens to have? (Pan Card, Driving License, Marriage certificate, etc.) 

NOTE - If time permits, teacher can give Office Bearer opportunity to do conclude this activity as mentioned below. Incase if time is short, invite the office bearer to ask the students – What did they learn from the activity? 

Office Bearers will ask the class to identify which document we will require in these given situation being an Indian citizen– (Office bearer can prepare chits or remember the questions) 

  • Rita, 18-year-old wants to register as first-time voter – Which document she should apply for? (Get Voter ID) 
  • Manu, a 29-year-old wants to travel abroad for work related purpose, what document he must have along with other required one? (Passport) 
  • Chandu, a 4-year-old is getting enrolled in school, what documents will he require? (Birth certificate & Aadhar Card). 
  • Beena, a 27-year-old woman, wants to avail benefits of subsidized food grains. Despite having birth certificate, she is not able to get the benefit - Why? (She needs ration card) 
  • Why is it important for us to apply for these documents?  

Teacher will summarize the key learning points -  

  • Essential Documents like Birth Certificate, Aadhar card, Voter ID, ration card, etc are some of the mandatory documents we need to have as citizens of India. 
  • There are multiple ways to apply for these documents i.e. online as well as offline. It is important to timely take the steps to register for these documents and get them as per the eligibility criteria and age. 

For this activity, the following can be updated by office bearers on the wall. 

  • Role play scripts 
  • Office Bearer conclusion – chits (if prepared)

  • Limit role play preparation time. Dressing up for role play is not required.  
  • Avoid lengthy preparation for role play, focus is on learning through experience. 

For activity photos (2-3) to be shared to engagement officers, please share clear pictures of  

  • Students presenting the role plays (2-3 photos)  
  • Office Bearer Concluding the session (2 photos) 
  • Desh Apnayen Wall (2 photos) 

To collect the feedback of the activity, IVR call will be made to you, or you can make the call. The following script will be played for you. This is given here for your reference purpose, so you can choose the alternative as appropriate.

Welcome to Desh Apnayen. This call is to collect feedback of the activity conducted in the class this month. Call will be recorded for quality purpose. If you agree, please press 1 to proceed.


1) Which Grade activity feedback you want to give in this call?

Press 1 – for Grade 11

Press 2 – for Grade 12

2) Which Stream activity feedback you want to give?

Press 1 – for Science

Press 2 – for Commerce

Press 3 – for Arts

Press 4 – for Vocational

For any other stream, please press 5.

Press 2 – for Grade 12

Press 1 – for Science

Press 2 – for Commerce

Press 3 – for Arts

Press 4 – for Vocational

For any other stream, please press 5.

3) How was the overall activity experience in the class?

Press 1 – for Good

Press 2 – for Average

Press 3 – for Needs Improvement

4) Have you submitted this activity’s pictures/videos to the respective engagement officer?

Press 1 - for Yes

Press 2 – for No

5) Do you want to give feedback for any other grade?

Press 1 - Yes, repeat the process from Question 1-5

Press 2 – No, thank you for your time, your submission is recorded successfully.

​​Annexure 1 – Role play Scripts​

(Note - These are 5 different scenes, Teacher can choose to do only three scenes if there are time related challenges – Voter ID, Passport and Driving license, but all scripts to be displayed on Desh Apnayen Wall)

Group 1: Issuing Birth Certificate [3 characters]

Narrator (Office Bearer): Amit meeting with his two neighbours Prakash and Sheena 

Prakash: Congratulations Amit! I heard that you had a daughter.

Amit: Yes, Thank you!

Prakash: Have you done the necessary process for the birth certificate? her birth in Municipal Corporation office.

Amit: Not yet, what’s the hurry? Sheena, have you done it for your child?

Sheena: Yes Amit, I did it within two weeks because as per the law, every birth must be registered within 21 days to get birth certificate. 

Prakash: You can find out at the hospital; they will do the registration process, or you can register it at the nearest Municipal corporation office

Sheena: The birth certificate is the first official document needed for all other documents like the Aadhar card and school admission. 

Amit: Thank you for making me alert. I'll find the process tomorrow itself and do the necessary steps to get her birth certificate.

Group 2: 3 characters – Voter ID

Narrator (Office Bearer): Three Friends sitting at a playground and observing the scene around.

Friend 1: Why is there such a crowd of young people out there?

Friend 2: It's a camp for issuing Voter IDs. Elections are coming up. Everyone needs to have Voter ID for voting.

Friend 3: Why are people taking so many troubles to issue just a card (says in ignorant way). 

Friend 2: It’s not just a card, it is one of the most important documents that everyone on or above the age of 18 should have. As being citizens of largest democracy, we should apply for it to be able to exercise our duty & right to vote smoothly. Voter ID is also a proof of your identity and age as an Indian citizen. 

Friend 1: Oh, I will be 18 this month. So, I will apply for it, but this long queue will be a tiring effort. (in tired manner).

Friend 3: Yes, but you must get it, so that you can do your duty of voting in upcoming state elections. You can also apply at the Municipal Corporation office or online through the Voter Service Portal.

Group 3: 2 characters - Passport

Narrator (Office Bearer): Two Friends talk about applying for Passport. 

Friend 1: Hello, how are you doing?

Friend 2: Hi dear I am fine and excited as . I got an opportunity to study in the US.

Friend 1: That’s great! Did you visit the Passport Office to apply for passport? 

Friend 2: Yes, searching for options for applying for it.

Friend 1: Oh, let me help you more. You can also apply for it online. Last year I have submitted the application online and taken the prior appointment. Now I must go with relevant documents to Passport office, once verified and all steps of process are completed, they will issue my passport.

Friend 2: Oh, that’s nice. I didn’t know it. Thank you for this option, I will also do the same.

Group 4: 2 characters – Ration Card

Narrator (Office Bearer): Villager in discussion with Sarpanch for what is required to get benefit of government schemes. 

Villager: Sarpanch ji, I do not receive the benefit subsidized food grains while others like me receive it. 

Sarpanch ji: You were eligible, but you lacked the necessary documents.

Villager: I have voter ID, Adhar card, what else do I need? 

Sarpanch ji: You need to get Ration card from the government office to access subsidized food.

Group 5: 2 characters – Driving License

Narrator (Office Bearer): Two friends discussing on roadside.

Friend 1: I am just waiting to turn 18 next month, then I too will be able to apply for learner’s license to drive.

Friend 2: My elder sister recently got her learner’s license. 

Friend 1: Where did she apply for it?

Friend 2: She visited the RTO office, submitted the filled forms along with document proofs for age and residence. I also sawing her learning the traffic rules.

Friend 1: My father told me there is also an online provision to get learner’s license. I will find out more about it too in meanwhile.

Friend 2: Yes, do that and we can go together to get our licenses once we both turn 18. 

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