October Activity – Know your Central Government

  1. To learn about the roles and responsibilities of central government of India.

Critical Thinking, Problem-solving


Paper and Pens

  1. Ask Office Bearer to copy the Annexure 1 and paste it on Desh Apnayen Wall atleast 3 days before the activity day. Ask all students to read it before the activity day.
  2. Ask President and Vice President to prepare for the Office bearer conclude the activity part.
  3. Inform the President and Vice President the pre activity preparation is to be completed at least one day before the main activity.

Estimated Time: 30 minutes.

1. Teacher begins - Today we are going to look at a few real-life scenarios, we will identify if the function is of central government in a game-based manner. Each one will play the game individually.

2. Teacher will tell rules of the game -

    • One clue will be read out, you will get 1 minute to think and write in available book/paper the response if the clue is function of central government or not.
    • After all clues are read (atleast 10 clues to be read), exchange your answer sheets with student sitting next to you on your bench to correct. (in case of three students, exchange in manner no one has their own copy)(Clues are given in Annexure 2)
    • Teacher will share the response for each clue. Students can correct the response in the page. (Teacher can also invite students to answer questions)
    • To add fun element – teacher can get students scoring more than 8 to stand for each row.  The row in which maximum students have scored above 8 is winner. (Optional – teacher can disclose this at the end)

3. Teacher can play one dummy round before starting the game to help understand the game clearly.

NOTE - If time permits, teacher can give Office Bearer opportunity to do the activity mentioned below. Incase if time is short, invite the office bearer to ask the students – What did they learn from the activity?

Office Bearer will conclude the activity by dividing the class into two groups. One led by President and One by Vice President. Tell the students we have Central Govt Function Fair & each group is central government unit. Here in this fair, we get to select roles & responsibilities of central government unit of our group.

Divide the blackboard in two sections one for each group. Each group will get a turn to come forward and write the role they want their government to pick. You cannot pick the same role that another group has taken.

For example, Group A has taken Defence function, group B cannot take this.

In this manner, each group gets chance to come and select functions of central government until all functions are taken.

Teacher will summarize the key learning points for the activity –

  • The functions of Central government include national infrastructure projects, foreign affairs, defense, economic policies, amending and making laws, policies, etc.
  • Knowing about functions of each level of government helps us to be informed citizens, understand system of governance at each level and understand how decisions at national level impact their lives.

For this activity, the following can be updated by office bearers on the wall. 

  • Ask students to write statements which represent Central Government functions.
  • Recent news reports related to the functions of the central government. 

  • Make sure that notebooks and pens are only used to write down solutions. No requirement of using drawing materials.

  • For activity photos to be shared to engagement officers, please share clear pictures of
    • Group activity pictures
    • Office Bearer Recap
    • Desh Apnayen Wall

Annexure 1 – Functions of Central Government

Annexure 2 –

Note – Blue coloured statements represent Central Government functions.

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