October Activity – Mock Panchayat

  1. To experience addressing/sharing local issues to local government by being part of mock panchayat.

Communication, problem solving.

Civic responsibility, Empathy

Notebooks, pens

  1. Teacher will select 3 other members who will along with Office bearers be Panchayat members for the activity. Guiding points for Panchayat members are given in Annexure 1
  2. Teacher will then divide remaining students in 5 groups and ask them to choose one leader. Each group will be assigned one issue. Explain groups to prepare the scene/2-3 lines of dialogue to share the issue in mock panchayat in next class. (Students can use local language, bring fun elements while making dialogues keeping in mind the respect of class.)
  3. Teacher can randomly assign the issue to group leaders, or they can select as given in Annexure 2 (If students want to choose other issues, they can discuss with teacher and finalise)
  4. Office Bearer will need to prepare statements for conclusion activity.

Inform the President and Vice President to make sure that the pre activity task is to be completed by group, before the main activity.

Estimated Time – 30 minutes.

  1. Teacher will tell students we will have a Panchayat Jan-sunvai (A Day where citizens can come and share their issues with panchayat members openly) in our classroom. President will play the role of Sarpanch, Vice-President and other three students from the class will be Panch members.
  2. Other students will represent the community to watch the Mock Panchayat and when asked to suggest the solutions as well.
  3. The Sarpanch and the other members of Panchayat will discuss each issue with group leader who brought the issue to understand as per guiding points given to them. (Teacher will play the role of facilitator, guiding the Panch members and other groups as needed. If teacher feels that students are not confident to handle the issues, then teacher can become Sarpanch or Secretary to guide them in the process as well)
  4. Take all 5 issues in this manner, give each group 4-5 minutes.

Note – If in your local area, Municipality is applicable, then create Mock-Municipality experience for students, teacher can decide.

NOTE - If time permits, teacher can give Office Bearer opportunity to do conclude this activity as mentioned below. Incase if time is short, invite the office bearer to ask the students – What did they learn from the activity?

Office Bearer can play a game. For which problem we will approach local government. Students can stand if yes, and for No, they can raise hand.

  1. Students want to change the uniform of school .
  2. No water to have bath at home
  3. Water tap is broken in school
  4. Potholes on roads
  5. Electricity wires are hanging out on road
  6. Left leg of my pet dog is fractured.
  7. My sister doesn’t want to eat rice today
  8. No one comes to collect Garbage.

(At least 4-5 sentences can be taken in this manner.)

Teacher will summarize the key learnings -

The local government, It's the closest level of government to you and we can reach out to them for solving our local issues They are approachable and supportive to help us if we go with right issue in a proper manner.

For this activity, the following can be updated by office bearers on the wall.

  • Ask students to stick the Local issues they brought to Panchayat
  • Encourage students to write the key learning points based on their experience or if anyone has visited the Panchayat, they can share that experience. (Motivate atleast 2 students to write)

  • No field visits to the local government during the activity. This is not covered in activity.
  • Avoid clapping during the activity when a solution is announced, as it will disturb other students.
  • No making charts/posters on any issues

For activity photos to be shared to engagement officers, please share clear pictures of

  • Photos of main activity, at least three photos showing different groups addressing to Panchayat members.
  • Officer Bearers Leading the recap session.
  • Desh Apnayen Wall

(One clear picture for each)

Annexure 1 – Guiding points for Panchayat Members

Guiding points:

  • Listen attentively to the issue the community members are presenting.
  • Ask clarifying questions, to know more about the issue and understand it.
  • Collaborate with each other to respond to the issues, all the Panch members should get chance to say while addressing issue as appropriate.
  • Treat everyone with respect, though you can bring in humor while addressing questions. (for example – use friendly language, come up with funny situations/anecdotes you have heard about while responding, etc.)
  • Think creatively when responding to issues. Be clear in communicating your ideas.
  • Be fair and approach every issue objectively.

Annexure 2 – Local Issues

  1. Poor Conditions of Roads – There are potholes, water logging, uneven roads, etc. making it difficult to travel from one place to another.
  2. Garbage dump near local bus stand - The garbage dumps give out bad smell and create unhygienic conditions and problems for people passing through there.
  3. Unavailability of clean drinking water - Many people fell sick and were admitted to a hospital after drinking unclean(polluted) water.
  4. Increase in Stray animals & their litter on the road – Many stray animals come on the road and litter their droppings leading to accidents of people driving vehicles. (2-wheeler driver slipped because of cow dung.)
  5. Gutter lid is missing – The main gutter in center of village has a missing lid, children or elders may fall into it, leading to bad smell, mosquitos causing health problems for people.

Note: Teacher is also free to add any other local problems they see around them. This can be translated for children in the language they best understand.

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