KLE August Activity-Democracy Voices and Choices

To comprehend about democracy through daily life situations at home. 

Communication, Collaboration  

Respecting opinions 

Notebooks and pens 

Estimated Time: 30 minutes. 

No preparation required for the activity. Teacher needs to go directly to the class and follow the guidelines given here - 

  1. Select any 5 students from the class as per your choice call their name and announce that these students are champion students of the week and this entire week, they will not do any homework. (Do not select office bearers) 
  2. Invite office bearers and ask them to select other 5 students from rest of the class. Let them decide without any clue. If they ask why? How to select? Purpose etc. Ask them to first select and then we will decide some prize for them. 
  3. Allow the discussion for 3-5 mins and if it gets difficult, then only intervene.  Make it fun and creative for students. 
  4. Once they select 5 students, ask these students to stand behind the class for entire period. 
  5. Start any chapter from the book without any discussion and see the responses of students. Stop after 2 mins and  

Now ask students the following questions - 

  1. What happened here just now? 
  2. How did you feel when teacher selected students and announced their award? 
  3. How your club leaders selected students?  
  4. How were your feelings when you selected/not selected? 
  5. What happens when we don’t have choices and not free to speak about our views? 

Summarise the responses of students to make them understand the value of choices, dialogues, respecting each other. How Democracy gives us equal chance to select our leaders as you all experienced in the last activity Mock election. 

If we all are equal in the classroom, we should have equal treatment and opportunities to be included. Right way to select or elect anyone in the Democracy is through voting and elections and this is how we can experience the value of Democracy. 

There is possibility of selecting leader or candidate, who is not your favourite or to whom you are voted for, but majority wins and that’s why we all should participate to make the decisions favourable to our class, society and country. 

NOTE - If time permits, teacher can give Office Bearer opportunity to do conclude this activity as mentioned below. Incase if time is short, invite the office bearer to ask the students – What did they learn from the activity?  

Office Bearer will read out sentence. If it shows democracy, students will say Yes, and if not, students will say no. (They can also write it in their books) 

  • Let’s vote to decide which game to play. 
  • Students don't listen to each other about whom to make monitor. 
  • Only class monitor gets to decide what to play in recess every day. 
  • Every member in group gets a chance to share their ideas when creating a story. 
  • Four friends share their ideas about when to play and then select that works for most of them. 

Ask students if they any other daily life examples to share that show democracy as per them.  

Teacher will conclude the learnings at the end. 

For this activity, the following can be updated by office bearers on the wall.

  • Any 4-5 student if they wish to share their real-life experience/example how they practice democracy.
  • Quotes on Democracy

  • Avoid lengthy discussion by office bearer to choose people, focus is on learning through experience. 

Activity Photos to be shared:

  • Main activity photos (2 photos)
  • Office Bearer concluding the session (2 photos)
  • Desh Apnayen Wall photos (2 photos)

WhatApp Chat Bot Script. 

1) Which Grade activity feedback you want to give in this call?

Press 1 – for Grade 6

Press 2 – for Grade 7

Press 3 – for Grade 8

2) How was the overall July activity experience in the class?

Press 1 – for Good

Press 2 – for Average

Press 3 – for Needs Improvement

3) How many students of your class participated in the activity?

Press 1 for 1-10

Press 2 for 11-20

Press 3 for 21-30

Press 4 for 31-40

Press 5 for 41-50

Press 6 for more than 50

4) Have you submitted this activity’s pictures/videos to the respective engagement officer?

Press 1 - for Yes

Press 2 – for No

5) Do you want to give feedback for any other grade?

Press 1 - Yes, repeat the process from Question 1-5

Press 2 – No.

Your feedback is valuable. Thank you for your time, your submission is recorded successfully

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