KLE October Activity-Know Your Local Government

  1. To know about the local government of their village/town/city.
  2. To be aware of role of local government in addressing local issues by researching about their panchayat/municipality for solving the issue of water scarcity.

Communication, problem solving.

Civic responsibility

Notebooks, pens

1. Teacher will ask the Office Bearers to make a copy the Annexure 1 & 2 and put on Desh Apnayen Wall.

2. Teacher will ask the students to research about their local government in context to water scarcity issue as per the guiding questions given in Annexure 2. They can ask elders at home or research online.

Note - Incase the time to do the pre-task is not available, Annexure 3 is provided for the groups to do the research work in class.

3. Office Bearer will need to prepare statements for conclusion activity.

4. Inform the President and Vice President to make sure that the pre activity task is to be completed by group, before the main activity.

Estimated Time – 30 minutes.

1. Divide the students into groups of 6-8 students as per the class size.

2. Ask the groups to compile their responses as a group for these given questions.

  1. Details about the local government.
  2. What can the local government do to solve this issue of Water Scarcity?
  3. Which department/person is concerned with solving this issue?
  4. How can you approach them? What is the mechanism or available options to reach them?

Note – if pre-task is not done, assign the groups the Task to research the following questions in context to this issue with help of the handout given in Annexure 3. (Teacher can either create handwritten copy of Handout with help of students or take print)

3. Tell the students they have 20 minutes to compile the presentations.

Office bearer will put these presentations on Desh Apnayen wall after the class.

NOTE - If time permits, teacher can give Office Bearer opportunity to do conclude this activity as mentioned below. Incase if time is short, invite the office bearer to ask the students – What did they learn from the activity?

Office Bearer will ask the following questions to the entire class -

(they can also invite 1-2 groups to share the presentation if time is available)

1. What did you learn from this activity about local government?

2. Which are the issues that you can reach out the local government to solve?

3.Which among the following are not the issues that local government can solve –

    1. Students want to change the uniform of school.
    2. Potholes on roads
    3. Your friend doesn’t want to play cricket
    4. Water tap is broken in school

4. What role can government in its existing structure play to resolve any local issue?

Teacher will summarize the key learnings -

  • The local government, It's the closest level of government to you and we can reach out to them for solving our local issues They are approachable and supportive to help us if we go with right issue in a proper manner.
  • Summarize from group presentation - how local government can address and solve community problems, including the processes and who are the people of nearby local government. (state as per the group presentation)

For this activity, the following can be updated by office bearers on the wall.

  • Group presentations
  • Encourage students to write the key learning points based on their experience of researching about the Panchayat/Municipality, they can share that experience. (Motivate atleast 2 students to write)

  • No field visits to the local government during the activity. This is not covered in activity.
  • No making charts/posters on any issues

For activity photos to be shared to engagement officers, please share clear pictures of

  • Photos of main activity – students doing group work (2photos)
  • Officer Bearers Leading the concluding part of the session. (2 photos)
  • Desh Apnayen Wall (1 photos)

Annexure 1 – Water Scarcity issue

Annexure 2 – Research Questions

Do research based on the following questions - (they can ask elders/research online – visit to local government is not needed.)

Annexure 3 – Reference Handout

Questions a, b and c – they will need to research it as per the locality.

For Groups working on Urban Areas – Share Municipality Handout

For Groups working on Rural Areas – Share Panchayat Handout

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