Goa Higher Secondary October Activity-Citizen Duty Debate

  1. To understand the importance of following their responsibilities and fundamental duties as citizens of India.

Critical Thinking, Collaboration, Creativity

Integrity, Respecting laws

Paper/Notebook and Pens

  1. Ask the students to research about the fundamental duties, few examples of each duty we have as citizens and be ready with points as per their group (For/Against). Guidelines to prepare are given in Annexure 2. List of Fundamental Duties is given in Annexure 1.
  2. Ask President and Vice President to copy the fundamental duties and guidelines given in Annexure 1 and 2 and stick on Desh Apnayen Wall for students reference.
  3. Office Bearers will make sure students have prepared before the main activity day
  4. Office bearers can prepare chits for concluding the activity or prepare the questions to ask.

Estimated Time:30 mins

1. Teacher will divide the class into two teams – one team in favour of punishment and other is not in favour i.e., against it. & write the debate topic on board - "Should citizens be punished for not following their fundamental duties?".

2. Office Bearers to select participants (2-3 from each group) to present points for debate from their respective groups. They can ask for volunteer participation or do random choice. Make sure that at one time the entire group doesn’t talk/present points together.

3. Remaining students can witness the debate and can ask questions from both the teams. They can also suggest points to their teams if they want to.

4. Share few Points to remember while debating:

    • When one team puts the point forward, the other team will listen to them.
    • When one point is put forward by the team, the response to be on the same point.
    • Two counter arguments can be made for one point by each group.
    • Speak clearly and respectfully when presenting your points.

5. Start the debate, invite any one team to begin & present their point and the other team to counter.

6. In this manner continue the debate for 20 mins. Teacher will appreciate everyone for the arguments and points put forward by both the teams.

(Note – Teacher while appreciating gets students to think & reflect about importance of following fundamental duties as responsibility of citizens.)

NOTE - If time permits, teacher can give Office Bearer opportunity to do conclude this activity as mentioned below. Incase if time is short, invite the office bearer to ask the students – What did they learn from the activity?

Office Bearers will ask the remaining students to share their point of view with example for any Fundamental Duty – If they think it is important to make it compulsory with fines and punishments or not.

In this manner invite participation from 4-5 students. Avoid repeating discussion for same fundamental duty, encourage students to choose examples based on different fundamental duties.

Teacher will summarize the key learning points -

  • It is important to follow our fundamental duties as citizens i.e. while freedom is important, we need to be responsible citizens and do our duties.
  • Presently, we don’t have any punishments for not fulfilling fundamental duties, it may lead to lack of accountability in some, but by education and spreading awareness about its importance we can overcome this problem.

For this activity, the following can be updated by office bearers on the wall.

  • Office Bearer can ask students to share their Activity Learning experiences or their plan to follow their fundamental duties (any 1-2 plan for a specific fundamental duty) (Voluntary or ask 2-3 students to write on available notebook page.)
  • Quotes on Fundamental Duties of citizens of India or related topic. For example - "Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world." – Howard Zinn

  • Office Bearer to make sure that students have prepared the Debate points.
  • Students will take care not to hurt anybody's sentiments while debating.

Activity photos to be shared to engagement officers, please share clear pictures of

  • Debate pictures (2 photos)
  • Office Bearer Concluding the session (2 photos)
  • Desh Apnayen Wall (2 photos)

Annexure 1 – List of Fundamental Duties

The following are the fundamental duties of India defined in the constitution:

Annexure 2

Guiding points to prepare for Debate

  • Refer the list of points given for both ‘for’ and ‘against’ sides and prepare your reasons as per your group.
  • Basis the Refer to list of fundamental duties, think of examples that you see to build your points for debate.
  • Research about any other country which has 1/2 similar duties, and find out what are the punishments there, how they ensure that citizens follow their duties, etc. – you can use them as points to discuss.

Some Debate Points/areas to work on --

Example – (Teacher/Office Bearer can share the example if need is felt.)

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