- To become aware of the issues at school that require attention for the school space assigned.
- To identify their actions and duty as students to make school spaces cleaner and safer.
Observation, Teamwork
Ownership, ResponsibilityÂ
Paper and PensÂ
- Teacher will divide the class into groups of 6-8 students each as per class size. (Incase of more groups, same time slots to be given to different groups or allot floors/spaces as per school size.)
- Tell the students they must conduct the Energy & Waste check and understand how they use energy (fans/lights/etc.) and manage cleanliness & waste in Classroom, Washroom & Play-area/Canteen (where mid-day meals are served).
- Each group will have to observe specific information at a particular time. Ask office bearers to randomly assign one time slot as given below to each group
- Start of School
- Before & During the Recess(break-time)
- At end of recess (break-time) (While they walk to the classroom from observation area.)
- At end of School (Before going home) (While they walk out of class to gate.)
- Ask office bearer to draw the table given in Annexure 1 and put it on Desh Apnayen wall for everyone’s reference.
- Tell students to visit the observe in assigned time slot and note down specific information as per the Audit tool in Annexure 1. Eg – if fans are left on recess time- how many of them, or one tap is leaking.
- Office Bearer will make sure students have completed this 5-day observation at least a day before the class by interacting with group leaders, who will make sure that their group is prepared.
- Office bearers will prepare for Conclude the session part/note the questions in their notebook).
Estimated Time: 30 minutes.
Audit Report Preparation – 15 Mins
- Teacher will ask all students to prepare one-page Audit report containing -
- Group observations as per the table format (Annexure 1)
- List down 3-4 action points for the students to follow to keep the place clean and maintained for your specified time slot.
- Each group will get about 15 mins to do the group work.
Presentations – 15 Mins
- Teacher will invite each group to come forward and present the group work.
- Each group will get about 2-3 mins to do the presentation.
- After each presentation, other students suggest points and teacher can guide, as necessary.
Incase, the group takes time to prepare the Audit report, then they can directly put the reports on Desh Apnayen Wall. Other students will read it during break time.
Office Bearer displays the Audit report of each group on Desh Apnayen Wall.
Encourage them to implement at least two actions as suggested in next 3-4 days (Optional – Teacher can decide)
NOTE - If time permits, the teacher can give Office Bearer opportunity to do conclude this activity as mentioned below. Incase if time is short, invite the office bearer to ask the students – What did they learn from the activity?
Office Bearer will ask students –
Out of all the actions presented -- Think of any action they promise to take going forward to reduce wastage of energy and keep the classrooms, washrooms, and play area/canteen clean and maintained. Randomly invite 5-6 students to share the action.
Teacher will summarize basis the discussion and conclude the following -
- We should keep an eye on the things around us – be alert and aware of situations, observe things around us.
- Personal involvement in finding the problem, thinking of a solution, and applying it made this experience very memorable and real. This gave us the opportunity to think systematically.
- Importance to aware of issues, we can solve them only if we are aware. Also, small changes and actions on our part can make a difference. As we started to be mindful of energy and water related issues at school, we could also do it at home and in our local area.
For this activity, the following can be updated by office bearers on the wall.
- Audit report of the group.
- For activity photos to be shared to engagement officers, please share clear pictures of
- Students working in group (2 photos)
- Group presentations – (2 photos)
- Office Bearer leading conclusion part. (2 photos)
- Desh Apnayen Wall (2 photos)
Annexure 1 – Â
Audit Tool
Energy Audit – Checking if we are using energy properly and no wastage is done (like fans, lights, water taps, etc are used properly – no wastage of resources)
Waste Audit – Checking if we dispose waste properly and make proper use of resources like dustbins, water, etc. to keep places around us clean.
Energy & Waste Audit of Classroom, Washroom & Play-area/Canteen (where mid-day meals are served)
- Timing - Start of School / Before & During the Recess(break-time) / At end of recess (break-time)/ At end of School
- Date of Observation – Start Date_____________________ to End date ___________________
- Name of Group Members –
Annexure 2 –Â
Teacher Care Note (Optional – Teacher can share as per the need felt.)
Teacher should ensure that the students conduct this activity responsibly. Give the following instructions to the class to explain why they are doing this and how it helps the school.
- While doing this activity, treat others and school property with kindness and care.
- Stay safe by not doing anything that could hurt you or others. (Do not put hands in the dustbins, do not touch any open wore or sockets etc.)
- Work quietly and don't disturb others who are learning or working.
- Remember, we're here to help, not blame or cause trouble.
- Treat school property gently, like it's
- Work together as a team and share ideas.
- Tell a teacher if you see something dangerous or concerning.