January Activity – A Neighbourhood Project
- Students will learn to propose a workable solution to the general issues in their immediate environment as a part of their citizenship duty.
- Students will get first-hand experience of the process to address local civic issue with their immediate local government officer.
- Skills – Team Spirit and Communication skills.
S. No. | Session Details | Estimated Time Required |
1 | Debrief of last session
Step 8- Letter writing Step 9 Instructions for homework |
45 Minutes |
2 | Step 10- Awareness display
Step 11 – Debrief, Reflection sheet and Feedback form |
45 Minutes |
Note: Steps 1-7 done in December |
Blank sheet for making a letter, Survey findings Report, Surveys from the previous session
Note: Kindly complete session 1 & 2 (if not done yet) before continuing with session - 3
Estimated time required: 45 minutes
Introduction -
In the previous session students had submitted their survey findings report with workable solutions for issues in their neighbourhood. This activity gave an opportunity to explore the issue in context of local context. With help of the survey report, we then move forward to next steps in our journey of being engaged active citizen. In this activity we will now, make use of these survey report to draft a letter in today’s session. Once the report is ready, we then move forward to address the issue by letter to local government office relevant to take the redressal of the issue forward.
Note: Steps 1 to 7 have been completed in the previous session 1 in December, we continue from step 8 today.
Step 8: Letter writing
1. Ask students if they could do the homework about finding the government office concerned with their theme? Let students who have done the homework come up with answers e.g., Road issues- Municipal corporation (city).
2. The teacher can write the themes and concerned government offices on the blackboard. Students can use this information while addressing their letter.
3. Ask students to sit in their own groups.
4. Distribute to them the reports/chart papers that they had made in the previous session for reference.
5. Each group will write a letter to the government office dealing with their theme issues stating-
Start the letter with,
- The problems/ issues identified. State why and where the problems exist.
- Number of surveys conducted
- Workable solutions according to your Group that we need support from government.
- Requesting to address the issues, signatures of the group members
6. Each group will submit their letter to the teacher.
7. (Optional) Teacher can take some representatives of the class to local government office to submit these applications or submit a copy online on the concerned local government web portal.
8. The surveys can be attached with the letter as an enclosure. (Students to keep some copies for display in the next activity class)
9. The survey report charts can be displayed on the school notice boards for other students to see the group work in the next activity class.
Step 9: Homework
Students can prepare a collage of the survey report and survey findings for display in the next class.
Step 10: Awareness Displays
- Awareness Display can be done at classroom or school level as per the feasibility.
- For Awareness Display, Students in their respective groups will create in their section a Display highlighting the entire experience. They will display their Survey report, survey findings, and copy of the letter sent to the local government either in a collage form/ or show arrows to mark it like a journey. If they have some reflections/experiences of entire activity. they want to add that as well.
- Display Areas can be organized in a popular area of the school so that during the recess time/arrival time/dispersal time other students can also read.
- Students of the groups can take turns to tell other students about the process of the whole activity. They can talk about importance of be aware citizens and how they played their part of being an engaged citizen.
- Group members will urge other students to be aware and find out about such issues in their locality in the upcoming week. They can then discuss and share it in the class stating steps to solve it when there is some time available.
Step 11: Debrief
Teachers are requested to do a debrief session with all students
- What did you do as an alert, informed and active citizen in this activity?
- Do you think writing a letter to the government was useful? Why?
- What will they do if they see such an issue again? or if this isn’t resolved?
Reflection Sheets & Feedback Form
Teachers to kindly fill in the feedback form and remind students also to fill up the reflection sheets.